Frenetic Fitness

fre·net·ic /frəˈnetɪk/ done very fast and with a lot of energy, often by someone who is in a hurry.

Archive for the tag “endurance run”

Peer Pressure to Run

A few months ago I was paying attention when “all” my friends were getting excited about the Little Rock Marathon’s 2014 Superhero theme. I signed up. I was paying attention when a long sold out inaugural winter marathon reopened for another round of registrations. I signed up. And when a few friends started talking about the Runner’s World Holiday Running Streak that lasts from Thanksgiving Day through New Year’s Day, requiring at least one mile of running each day, I got sucked in to that too.

For Day1 I participated in a Turkey Trot sponsored by local running store Go!Running, appropriately called the Go!bbler. The next day I had planned to go to the Sunset Lake Endurance Run. The options for that run are as many miles as you can get in 6,12,or 24 hours. The 24 hour participants could start at 7:30 pm Friday while the 6 and 12 hour could wait to start until 7:30 am Saturday. I wanted to participate unofficially and run a few miles on each day just to see and encourage my friends. Instead we ended up in the urgent care clinic getting the man’s head stapled after a spill on his mountain bike drove a pointy rock under his helmet. Glad he was wearing a helmet or that freak fall could have been devastating. Instead, I got a 2-fer in on Saturday and

Getting right back on the horse

Getting right back on the horse

it didn’t stop Joe from riding again the very next morning.

A group in Conway, Arkansas is trying to raise funds to build multiuse trails on top of an old city landfill. A great use for land that can’t be used for much else and has been proven to be a boon in other cities like the Cedar Glades trail system-disc golf course-and pavilions. I think the plan for the landfill in Conway is similar with a great recreation area for the community. On Saturday morning there was a fundraiser for the project via a Poker Run/Ride. Joe and I went to the Cadron Settlement Trails, he with his mountain bike and me with my running shoes. Each of us purchased one buy in which gave us 5 cards to be collected at stations along the 5 mile route.


We opted not to purchase the extra card option. He rode and I ran and we both had a great time. If only our card hands matched our enjoyment of those trails.

Even a combination of our cards didn't help

Even if we used a combination of our cards, it wouldn’t have helped

By the time we finally made it out to the Sunset Run, the time clock read 20+ hours passed and there were only a few people still out there. Lucky for me, I recognized almost all of them. Elaine and daughter Susy were going for 50 miles and had about 16 left when I arrived. David, president of the Road Runners Club of Arkansas was still going strong, also hoping for a 50 mile finish. And I jumped in to run with my oft times running buddy at other events, Josh, and his son. Josh’s family had been at the site for the entire event. His daughters had run 19 and 26 miles, and his son was going for 31 when I arrived. Josh met his 50 mile goal and they did a great family photo shoot at the end with a sign listing all their mileage. What an incredible way to spend the post Thanksgiving days with your family, not shopping or laying about watching TV, but running together.

Getting in a second 5 mile run at Sunset Lake

Getting in a second 5 mile run at Sunset Lake

Why do I need pressure to get it done and run more? I need to be training and I’ve been shorting myself on weekday runs, replacing them with spin, bootcamp or crossfit classes. Rest days on the Runners World Running Streak now equal at least a one mile run. How hard can that be? I’ll let you know.

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